Welcome to the Monthly Ramble! Take a seat as I go off talking about whatever happened in my life this month, coupled with other things that pop into mind.

Never consistent, sometimes comprehensible, always available!

so, what happened this month??

In my life...

Need some new batteries

Life,,, feels kinda flat. I'm in a weird spot where I should have my stuff together, but due to lots o' things, it just hasn't materialized. Finding a job is a step in the right direction, but I'm clueless when it comes to job hunting. At least I have the support of my family at the moment. Though, it's becoming increasingly difficult to show my appreciation if I can't give back anything to them. I'll live, but I gotta become more proactive if I ever want to live on my own.

On to more lighthearted news...

Androids can't swim

yeah I dropped my phone in a tub of water

I promise I'm careful when it comes to taking care of technology!! probably more than other people. I make sure to leave a case on for important devices, avoid dropping gadgets to the ground, and overall maintain tech as clean as I reasonably can. it just so happened that I knocked my phone off counter into tap water. I yanked the phone out immediately and turned it off. Not my proudest moment, but thankfully the water resistance was a lifesaver. (I left it out to dry for two days just in case.)

Sketching with a purpose

I think I've finally cracked the code when it comes to making a sketch. For as long as I've been drawing, I failed to understand what the appeal of a sketch was, aside from its aesthetic appearance. If I could just draw the figure without too many strokes, I thought, I don't have to make as many corrections to my drawings.

An example of a better way to make a sketch
Figure 1: A better way of making sketches: fast and loose, not slow and precise.

Except, it takes much longer to constantly having to go back and make sure each line is perfect. Having to concentrate on what should be a quick thing to do overcomplicates the process of making a finished drawing. I guess I was aiming for the wrong objective when I was told to sketch. They're supposed to be rough drafts: you can make corrections later, and you're allowed to go all loose with it as long as it gets the point across. And with that mentality, I think I'll be doing more sketching without worrying about the minute details.

Media of the Month

This section is dedicated to a piece of media that stood out to me at any point—music, book, video, etc.

I'm pleased whenever I see rare tech items get preserved after being sought after for so long, and this arcade cabinet is no exception. I have a soft spot for the Parappa games: they're silly but fun rhythm games taking place in a world of bright and colorful characters.

And now, knowing there were new cutscenes made for a short-lived arcade port is a sight to behold. I think my favorite one is the music video for Got to Move!, featuring both Lammy and Parappa's parts combined.

Final words

June is almost upon us, which means pride month is a couple days away. While I'm not out in public, I'll do my best to show off my true colors here, as well as with friends. Stay safe, and have a very gay time out there 🏳️‍🌈
