Not in the literal sense. Encompasses scraps and unfinished works-in-progress.


Grabbing your attention
April 29, 2024 Made a pencil sketch for once during a stressful week. The damp, wet breeze that day helped out immensely. More sketches from the same day

(18+ pages) Hattie's version
Cabl's version

Red carpet, black dress
March 10, 2024 Folks were drawing their OCs with this dress on, so I decided to give it a shot. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the dress image by itself, so I had to ref others' portraits instead. Go check out their versions!(18+ pages) Hattie's version
Cabl's version



Dragon De-llama
October 6, 2023 Folks over on Tumblr got me invested in making a dragon form for my 'sona, and this is the result. Sometimes, you wanna be the center of attention. And what better way to do it than to be a big ol' dragon? Though an older iteration exists, I like this one more.


July 7, 2023 A more detailed drawing of my 'sona. I'm not used to drawing closeups, but this one turned out fine. Nothing but a bit of stretching here and there to clean things up. Other misc. sketches